Spoon theory helps people living with fatigue explain the complex decisions about expending energy that we have to make every day. It was created in 2003 by Christine Miserandino, who lives with Lupus. She was trying to explain to her dinner companion in simplified terms how she woke up each day with limited energy to spend on tasks.
Wellbeing activities cost energy too. We’re helping providers adapt so their offerings require fewer spoons of energy for us to get the benefits!
Experience wellbeing in spoonfuls for yourself at our Gentle Wellbeing Retreat, 2-6 June 2024 in Sedbergh, Cumbria.
🥄 For each activity and mealtime, you’ll get to decide whether and how you participate, according to the spoonfuls of energy level you have available at that moment
Find out more about the Gentle Wellbeing retreat here and book your place.